Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Creative Writing Activity in Groups in 3ºD


Students had to create a story, but instead of inventing one of their own, they had to continue a given one. Every day, each student added a couple sentences until they story was finished. Here you can read two examples of what they wrote!
-Each color represents a student.
-Grammar mistakes haven’t been corrected by the teacher, but some sentences have been rewritten to make the text more readable.
Once upon a time, there were three brothers who lived on a farm. Their names were Brian, Dick and Mike. The oldest, Brian, went one day to the forest to collect some wood for the fire, but he didn’t come back. The next day he was in a house when two men that robbed him. They thought of going to his farm but they had to cross mountains, rivers and lakes. His brothers were worried because he didn’t come back to the house. They decided to go to the forest to find Brian. Then Mike and Dick found a dangerous wolf and a dangerous crocodile and they started to run.They saw a cave and they ran to hide but there was a dragon and a lion. They went out the cave and they ran to a lake. Then, they found their brother and they went to their house.
Once upon a time, a spaceship crashed on the Earth’s surface. A 10 years old boy named Albert went there. Suddenly, the hatch opened and a tiny green creature with a pistol jumped on the ground. Albert didn’t know what to do so he ran very fast to the forest. Then the creature shouted and Albert saw his face. It was Cristiano Ronaldo! After that Albert saw another creature. Its body was fast and green. Its eyes were big and blue and always says (teléfono, mi casa). Then Albert was found with a girl that was dead and he got a good scare. Then the girl that was dead opened her eyes too fast and was running very fast towards him to eat him. Later, Albert ran more fast than the girl. Suddenly, Albert fell on the floor and when he looked up he saw a creature more bigger than the girl. She was vampire Shakira. She was horrible and Albert ran away to a cave and in the cave there was a terrible monster…

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